

The Only Planet That Rotates Clockwise


We do not look at every solar planet.  Here are some criteria we might have applied to other planets.

Venus is perhaps more well-known even if only for her blue jeans.

  1. Venus and Earth are said to be sister planets because they are both terrestrial planets, their sizes are almost the same, and they are also close to one another. 

  2. The term terrestrial planet implies that the surface of the planet is rocky, just like that of the earth. 

  3. Approximately 70% of the surface of Venus is covered with rocks. 

  4. There are also numerous traces that indicate that there have been a lot of volcanic activities in Venus. 

  5. In fact, Venus has more volcanoes than Earth. 

  6. The atmosphere of Venus is very dense. 

  7. It is composed of 96.5% of carbon dioxide and 3.5% of nitrogen. The remaining smaller percentage is occupied by other gases, but dominated by sulfur dioxide.

  8.  source including image

  9. Temperature

  10. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the surface temperature of Venus appears to range from about 820 to almost 900 degrees Fahrenheit. 

  11. This is hot enough to melt lead.

  12. Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. 

  13. It is about 67 million miles away from Earth. 

  14. Venus looks like the brightest planet because of the way its clouds reflect sunlight.

  15. It was once believed that Venus could perhaps support life similar to Earth's. 

  16. However, Venus is inhospitable to life forms as they exist here. 

  17. The atmosphere is mostly carbon dioxide and only contains trace amounts of water.

  18. Venus' atmosphere also traps the sun's heat, which causes its scorching surface temperatures. 

  19. Probes sent to Venus have only survived for a few hours before being destroyed by this heat.