A personal note

No maths today!

  1. Retired in 2000 after a career within the tourism world as a social psychologist.

  2.  After being within UK FE and academe for many years, I worked in fifteen countries.  That was mainly advising on tourism development and marketing.  More academe transpired.

  3. In the early 90s, I served various short term projects totalling 14 months as a volunteer with BESO.  See Aims here

  4. Fascinated at school by a compass point being turned by a nearby low voltage electric wire, I went on to a more than a passing interest in technical astronomy and astrophysics. 

  5. Family life and a busy career were more important than such a time-consuming interest which took off on retirement.

  6. Moved to Ross-on-Wye in 2004.  My late wife and I were members of its U3A.

  7. Attended an Astrophysics Group in Malvern here in 2018.  

  8. The talk is an opportunity to stand in front of people again after 19 years absence from such form of meeting.

Cat with the computer mouse. Stock Vector - 40261762

Most of the graft has been done for you.


  1. My only "qualification" even remotely relevant here is a Boy Scout Astronomy badge.

  2. During the last few years, I have attended several events run by The New Scientist. They included an all-day Relativity conference and another on Artificial Intelligence. 

  3. I have plenty of science etc books including several by Prof Brian Cox.  They prompted me to attend one of his mass lecture sessions attended by 12K people. Never again!  

  4. I have also attended lectures and talk by various speakers and lecturers  I aim to present what I know and what I have found out, in the best way possible.  I know, for example, that atoms these days have component parts but I am not fluent with them.

  5. In a talk of this nature, we have no need for such information.  

  6. It's intended to be a discussion where you the participants comment and raise questions when you feel like it rather than keeping to an end-session. 

  7. Readers are invited to contact the author on any topic. here

  8. Academics are reputed to recycle other people's work.

  9. Enjoy my recycling.  Here goes!