Little green men

Finding suitable images has been a  challenge.   


 1   Ideal image

 2   Half a million people to raid Area 51        in search of aliens 

 3   Are the green men likely to exist?

 4   Complex alien life

 5   A star called Trappist-1

 6  Smaller & dimmer

 7  Gravity (A Ladybird Expert Book)

 8  The "Drake Equation"  

 9  The ideal image Part 2

10 The minds of BBC executives

11  Problem

12  Another ideal image?

Where are they?

1  Ideal image

This thing is 96ft tall and fluent in 100 intergalactic languages. (joke)

We don't need the source yet.


1.2  Images

  1. What currency do such images carry?

  2. Woolly thinking.

  3. Why base lack of imagination on the man model?

  4.                                                                               breathing model?

  5.                                                            breathing oxygen model?  Nitrogen is in 
  6.                                                            abundance in the universe.

  7.                                                            living thing model?  

  8. If there is intelligent life (ET2?) elsewhere, it may share our problem of access.  ET2 may be at our stage of intergallactic travel.


2  Half a million people to raid Area 51 in search of aliens 

14 JULY 2019

  1. More than half a million people have pledged to "storm" Area 51 to establish once and for all whether the US government is hiding evidence of the existence of aliens.

  2. The secretive 4,000-square-mile post at Edwards Air Force Base in the Nevada desert has long been at the forefront of alien conspiracy theories.

  3. Believers maintain that it is used to store captured UFOs or alien remains and technology. The US government categorically denies the existence of such artifacts.

  4. more on the News page here.       

 3    Are the green men likely to exist?

  1. Yes, logically.  We have seen plenty of possible venues

  2. No. Not according to at least one study. See Complex alien life

  3. So far, we have established the myriad of opportunities.

  4. However, distance is the problem.


source    made by rendering

4   Complex alien life

Where is complex alien life hanging out in the universe? Likely not on planets stewing in toxic gases, according to a new study that dramatically reduces the number of worlds where scientists will have the best luck finding ET. 13 06 19

5   A star called Trappist-1

  1. One of seven planets orbiting a small star, TRAPPIST-1, may be capable of supporting life as we know it on Earth, new climate models suggest. 

  2. Researchers are already using the Hubble Space Telescope to look for possible life-supporting atmospheres around six of TRAPPIST-1’s planets.

  3. Located 39 light-years away from Earth, it's a long way to Tipperary  TRAPPIST-1 is a relatively cool .. star with about 9 percent the mass of Earth's sun and about 12 percent its radius. 

  4. This ultracool star is believed to host at least seven rocky planets that are about the size of Earth or smaller.

6   Smaller & dimmer

  1. TRAPPIST-1 is much smaller and dimmer than the sun, so three of the planets may be cool enough to host liquid water on the surface, putting them in the habitable zone

  2. It is 39 light-years away from Earth, or about 229 trillion miles (369 trillion kilometers). 

  3. But  It would take 39 years to get there travelling at the speed of light. But no spacecraft ever built can travel anywhere near that fast.

  4. New Horizons, the fastest spacecraft ever launched, flew past Pluto in 2015 and is currently travelling out of the solar system at 14.31 kilometers per second, or about 32,000 mph, according to NASA's New Horizons tracking page. 

  5. At this rate, it would take the Pluto probe about 817,000 years to reach TRAPPIST-1.

10.  And it wouldn't carry many humans! 

Serious readers might read an in-depth paper raising interesting concepts  here.

The "Ideal image" referred to at the top of the page is to be found on p 22 of this:

  Gravity (A Ladybird Expert Book)

- What is Gravity?

- How does it work?

- And why are there extreme gravitational environments?

EXPLORE how gravity controls the shape of space and the passage of time itself, 

influencing the history and destiny of the entire Universe.

Discover the vast and momentous effects of this profound force on the world around us.

Written by celebrated physicist and broadcaster Jim Al-Khalili, Gravity is a fascinating 

and authoritative introduction to a phenomenon as familiar to us as breathing.

source Bought in a bookshop for £8.99. Amazon price £3.44


8 The "Drake Equation"

  1. The number of communicative civilizations

  2. The rate of formation of suitable stars (stars such as our Sun)

  3. The fraction of those stars with planets. (Current evidence indicates that planetary systems may be common for stars like the Sun.)

  4. The number of Earth-like worlds per planetary system

  5. The fraction of those Earth-like planets where life actually develops

  6. The fraction of life sites where intelligence develops

  7. The fraction of communicative planets .....

  8. The "lifetime" of communicating civilizations

are all put into a formula.  Lines in smaller text are imponderables.

Essentially - only of use to specialists!

9  The ideal image Part 2


  1. Here is the "ideal image" again in full.  The dark area is a black hole.  What's left of "Joe" is spaghettified.  His ballet shoes were unaffected!

  2. In astrophysics, spaghettification (sometimes referred to as the noodle effect) is the vertical stretching and horizontal compression of objects into long thin shapes (rather like spaghetti) ...  

  3. In the most extreme cases, near black holes, the stretching is so powerful that no object can withstand it, no matter how strong its components. 

  4. Within a small region the horizontal compression balances the vertical stretching so that small objects being spaghettified experience no net change in volume.
  5. source

  6. Joe is relieved by the last sentence.  He would have crossed the "event horizon" of the black hole.

  7. ...... an event horizon is a region ... beyond which light cannot totally escape, because the gravitational pull of a massive object becomes so great as to make escape impossible. An event horizon is most commonly associated 
  8. with black holes . . ...
  9. source

  10. Go back and look at the metallic "spine".  The artist may not have appreciated how useful Joe has been. Is it a Joe?  if so, he has taken on hawk-like features.

  11. Will the world full of astronomers and astrophysicists hold a reception for

  12.                                                 Joe the green man

  13.                                                                 ?

  14. No doubt there'll be thousands of mathematical solutions to the problem of extracting Joe from the black hole.

  15. pagetop

11   Problem

From 6.5

It would take 39 years to get there travelling at the speed of light. But no spacecraft ever built can travel anywhere near that fast.

One of the themes of this website is drawing attention to the immense research costs in the context of common sense.


10  The minds of BBC executives

Are the minds of BBC executives full of space?  
Our type of space  07 Nov 2012

11   Problem

From 6.5  which concerns a planet near a very distant star.

It would take 39 years to get there travelling at the speed of light. But no spacecraft ever built can travel anywhere near that fast.

One of the themes of this website is drawing attention to the immense research costs in the context of common sense.  It will take mankind many generations until the necessary competence has been gained.  

Perhaps artificial intelligence will help.  Perhaps it will take over leaving mankind to its fate.

12  Another ideal image?

Is this an alternative ideal image of the female variety? 

added on 12 08 2019 for consideration.

Thank you everyone.

It's goodbye from me.

And it's goodbye from him!